Reach Above Sky
Reach above sky
Feel fear draw near?
Millions felt called,
fewer tried.
Billions have lived,
every-one died.
Dreams are great,-
actions are better.
Planes didn’t appear,
’til Orville and Wilbur,-
Wrights put them together.
Now man knows flight,
as birds know feather.
Failure and Fortune,
are circumstellar.
Do not deny,
true heart’s cry.
In these years,
promise to try.
Leave this sphere,
no choice, ‘cept comply.
While life’s here,
why not fly?
Heaven’s alive,
just beyond sky.
Planes – flying machines and planes of existence
Wrights – play on Wright brother’s name and “rights”
Now man…feather – we are able to fly because the Wrights reached for the sky, physically and with their outlandish ideas.
Failure and Fortune, are circumstellar – Both failure and fortune surround stars.
Leave this…comply – Make the world comply to your hopes and dreams through your actions. Leave no doubt; perform undeniably great work. Do this through boring, old-fashioned practice and patience.
Why not fly? – “Fly” or go above sky. Because the Wrights already did the impossible, why not you too?
Heaven’s – heaven is
just beyond sky – If you reach beyond what you know, or “for heaven,” while you’re alive, you might just find it. If you do not try, you will never know.