Day: January 16, 2024

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Sweet Sunday

Sweet Sunday Sweet Sunday Smells Breakfast cookin’ in the kitchen Got a little wild last night  Liquid IV and vitamin B Keepin’ the hangover headache at bay  Smilin’ bright Smell of coffee in the air Coffee in a cup, now we’re up We’ve started the day  Sweet Sunday Smells With the Fam-il-ay Wonder what fun …

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Two Strangers

Two Stranger Two strangers  passing in the street changed the world when they happened to meet I’ll be twice the father ’cause of my absence of one  holding our new daughters and sons old cycles we’ve seen  are becoming undone   How many paths altered for the rest of time? because in a brief moment in time …

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Open Season

Open Season over budget  ’cause of underfunding    people camping  in the street hunters’ hunting  just to eat   gun with no bullets what’s the reason?   we all know, but pretend to not see it walking around like it’s not open season   Originally Written 07. June. 2022. Josef Camacho